A thorough business plan and long-term strategy is vital to building a successful business. Our business consulting services include business start-up planning, operational analysis, capital expenditure budgeting and projections, and long-term financing strategies for your business.
Tax Planning
& Preparation
We provide a full range of tax return compliance and planning services for individuals and businesses. We are proactive and communicate with our client throughout the year. Our tax research and planning software helps provide accurate and timely answers to complex tax situations.
Audits, Reviews
& Compilation
We offer all three levels of financial statement assurance services. Whether your needs are to satisfy banks or lending institutions, outside investors or for internal management use only, our assurance provides credibility to your financial information.
Litigation Support &
Forensic Accounting
Our Certified Fraud Examiner can assist with a multitude of issues including investigation of potential fraud, or its prevention, design of internal control policies and procedures, and litigation support.
Our controller services go beyond bookkeeping and accounting and are specifically designed to suit the exact needs of a growing business. Monthly, or quarterly, we oversee your accounting process to ensure timely and accurate financial statements are produced.
QuickBooks Setup & Assistance
Our staff can assist you with installation, company setup, and training so you can manage your books, records, and business easily and efficiently.